

The primary way to interact with the davinci platform is through your workspace. Your workspace is a place where you can run and interact with various apps that you install from the davinci library, or other proprietary locations.

App Overview

Your workspace is laid out as a series of apps, listed as icons on the left side of your screen. When you add an app to your workspace, the next time you visit your workspace, it will appear among your list of apps.

When you click on an app icon, that app is loaded and displayed in the center panel of your screen. Apps can provide any kind of functionality, from business producitivity tools to collaboration

The davinci platform enables installed apps to exchange data with any other installed app. That means that a word processing app can easily connect and use data from a anlaytics app. For details of how apps collaborate, please see

Default Apps

By default, there are two critical apps that come with every workspace,

Home App : displays messages fomr the davinci platform and includes utilities for saving and loading workspaces.
Profile App : lets you manage you personal profile on the platform, as well as manage the apps installed in yourworkspace.

Adding Apps

There are two ways to add an app to your workspace.

Library : the app library hosts a collection of apps that you can browse and add. Click on the link for the app that you are interested in. This will bring you to the app help page. At the bottom of the page will be an install button. Clicking this button will install the app into your workspace.

The Profile App : by default, the profile app is always available in your workspace. In the profile app, you can manually enter in information for installing an app. This can include proprietary apps not available in the library.

Managing Workspaces

Sometimes there are different collections of apps that you want to have available in your workspace, depending on the task that you are currently working on. For this, davinci provides the concept of named workspaces. You can maintain different collections of apps, each assigned a different name, so that you can open a collection by name.

By default, the profile app is always available in your workspace, and it allows you to manage the apps installed in your workspace and to add/remove apps to different workspaces.

Saving Workspaces

Sending Workspaces

Once you have created an analysis using your workspace, you can send a copy of your workspace to other users. This is done using the mail app


Components form the backbone of the davinci platform. Many apps are just user interfaces that allow you to create and manipulate components. Components can be simple, such as tables and charts, or more complex, such as process diagrams. App integration occurs mostly through the integration between components. When you create a component in an app, that component can be copied and pasted into a blog, or message.

Configuring Workspace Look and Feel

Your workspace can be configured to accomodate different color themes and styles with the Workpace Css App.
