Informal Definition of Ito Integral


The Ito integral is built using the Ito Process, which is defined informally as {% \Delta log S = \mu \Delta t + \sigma N(0,\Delta t) %}

Then the Ito integral is defined as
{% \int \mu dt + \sigma dW = lim_{\Delta t \rightarrow \infty} \sum (\mu \Delta t + \sigma N(0,\Delta t)) %}
where {% N (\mu, \sigma^2) %} is the normal distribution with mean {% \mu %} and variance {% \sigma^2 %}.


The above definition looks like the Riemann Stieltjes Integral, however, it can be shown that it does not converge in the Riemann Stieltjes sense, because of the quadrative variation of the brownian motion term.

However, the integral does converge in the mean square sense.
{% lim_{h \rightarrow 0} \mathbb{E}[\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} \Delta x_{t+1}^2 - \int_0^T (dx_t)^2]^2 = 0 %}
(see Hirsa chpt 9)
