Ito Process


An Ito process is an extension of Brownian Motion which adds both a trend to the process and a non-constant volatility.

A Brownian motion has no drift. That is {% \mathbb{E}(B_t) = 0 %}. This can be corrected by adding a deterministic drift term.
{% Ito(t) = B(t) + drift %}
The volatility is made non constant by using a non constant function {% \sigma(t,\omega) %} to multiply the normal distribution term.

Discrete Time

In discrete time, the drift term is {% u(t, \omega) \Delta t %} is added to the Brownian motion
{% \Delta X(t,B(t), \omega) = u(t, \omega) \Delta t + \Delta B(t) %}
The process now has a drift, but has a constant volatility. A variable volatility can be added to the process by the inclusion of a coefficient that multiplies the brownian motion term.
{% \Delta X(t,B(t), \omega) = u(t, \omega) \Delta t + \sigma(t, \omega) \Delta B(t) %}

Continuous Limit

The discrete time processes are then imagined in the limit as {% \Delta t \rightarrow 0 %} and written in differential form.
{% dX(t,W(t), \omega) = u(t, \omega) dt + \sigma(t, \omega) dB(t, \omega) %}
which we usually abbreviate as :
{% dX(t,B(t)) = u(t) dt + \sigma(t) dB(t) %}

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