

Mathematical analysis typically refers to the topics that are studied in calculus.


The original development of the calculus utilizd the notion of an infinitesimal quantity. The logical foundations of this notion was questioned and not established until the developtment of non-standard analysis. The calculus was put on a rigorous footing with the developmebt of infinite sequences/series and the notion of a limit.

The idea of closeness was further abstracted and developed in topology.


  • Differentiation is a process(operator) which produces a function whose value at any point is equal to the tangent of some source function at that point.
  • Differential Forms: are used to extend calculus to be used on curved surfaces and manifolds.
  • Functional Differentiation - gives a notion of differentiating a functional by a function.


Integration is at the heart of analysis. However, there are several different definitions of an integral.

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