Porfolio Construction
In the abstract, portfolio construction is about maximizing some objective (like total returns)
while controlling for risk. The difficulty come when trying to precisely define what this means
and constructing a process around it.
Risk Based Approaches
It is a well known statistical fact that it easier to forecast return variance than the expected return.
(For example, it is pretty easy to guess what the average volatility of teh SP500 will be over the next year.
Not so easy to guess where it will end up.)
Based on this forecast difficulty, many strategies have been devised that are based solely on the factor that can
be reasonably measured, the risk.
Forecast Based Approaches
Forecast based portfolio construction starts with a set of asset forecasts. These forecasts need not be precise return forecasts,
they could be be simply labels such as "buy" and "sell". Next, the portfolio construction will build a portfolio that
that utilizes the the asset forecasts with at least a minimal risk constraint to build an optimal portfolio.
Multi-Period Considerations
Many portfolio frameworks are stated in terms of returns over a single period. When
applied to multiple periods, it is common to just maximize the portfolio each period based
on the single period framework.
The following topics address some of the issues that can arise when multiple trading periods
are taken into consideration.
Practical Considerations
Practical Considerations :
when building a portfolio using quantitative methods, it is important to keep some praciticalities in mind.