Fixed Income Risk -Statistical
The statistical approach to fixed income risk models the value of fixed income securities
(and therefore portfolios) as
random variables.
That is, they can take any of a number of possible
values at a future date, with probabilities associated with each value. The challenge becomes determining
how to assign a distribution to the various random variables being modeled.
- Term structure models are used as a basis for many
fixed income statistical models. They model the term structure of the yield curve statistically first, and then
derive the distribution of individual assets from the distribution of the yield curve.
- Hedging refers to the process of trading instruments in
a portfolio in order to make the portfolio immune to
fluctuations in the interest rate curve.
- The bond pricing equation is a differential equation (similar to the
black scholes equation)
which specifies the evolution of a bond price
when one has a model for the short rate.