Fixed Income Risk - Sensitivity Based


Sensitivity based measures are measures that indicate hom much the value of an instrument changes with respect to the change of some underlying variable, in this case, a specified interest rate.

The two measures can be used to approximate the change in price of a fixed income instrument with the following formulate for the approximate change in the price of the instrument.
{% \Delta P / P \approx -D \times \Delta y + \frac{1}{2} \times C \Delta y^2 %}
The mathematical basis of this type of analysis can be viewed at taylor series foundation.


Hedging refers to the process of trading instruments in a portfolio in order to make the portfolio immune to fluctuations in the interest rate curve.

As a general rule, a portfolio of long only fixed income instruments is only hedged if all the instruments are floating rate instruments. This is because any simple bond will lose value as rates go up, and gain if rates go down, so a portfolio with these types of bonds will lost value as rates go up. The only instrument which does not lose value is a floating rate instrument.

Therefore in general, you will only hedge a portfolio that contains both assets and liabilities, or a portfolio with optionality.
