Time Series
A time series is a series of measured values with a timestamp attached to each measurement. For example, a series of
equity asset prices may be taken at the close of the market every day. Then you would have a series of data points, each with
a date and price.
The Standard Model
the standard approach to time series modeling is to find a function that transforms a time series into
a white noise series.
{% X_1,X_2,...,X_n \rightarrow W_1, W_2,...,W_n %}
A white noise series is one in which
- {% \mathbb{E}(W_i) = 0 %}
- {% \mathbb{E}(W_i * W_i) = constant %}
- {% \mathbb{E}(W_i * W_j) = 0 %}
The transformation that accomplishes this goal contains all the predictable structure of the time series.
In the context of
information theory,
a white noise series is such that there is no information relevant to the realization of the nth in the
first (n-1) items.
Single Variable Time Series Frameworks
Time series analysis is complicated by the fact that sample points in a time series are not
independent from a statistical perspective. This means that a number of statistical tools that rely on random sampling
may not be valid. Time series frameworks are developed to present a method to deal with the issue of non-independence.
- Multivariable extends the basic ideas of time series analysis to cases
where there are multiple variables present. Whereas a single variable time series can only use past values of the time
series in analysis, a multi-variable time series can explore relationships among the variables.
- Diagnostics -
is the process of analyzing the results of the modeling process to determine the fit of the model to the
available data. Is used to help pick the best model among a set of candidates, as well as to assess
the quality of the selected model.
- Forecasting
- Simulating Time Series
- uses Monte Carlo style techniques to generate random simulations a given time series, which can be
used to simplify model analysis.
- Spectral analysis of a time series is the method of applying
Fourier series analysis
to a time series. It is complicated by the
notion of randomness in the signal, or likewise and signal
and noise considerations.
- Standard Process
- Recurrent Neural Networks