Geometric Brownian Motion


A geometric brownian motion, {% S(t) %} is a stochastic process. As such, the random variable {% S(t) %} has Moments like any other random variable.

Moments of a Geometric Brownian Motion

Given a geometric brownian motion defined as
{% dS(t) = \mu S(t) dt + \sigma S(t) dW %}
and define
{% \nu = \mu - \frac{1}{2} \sigma^2 %}

we have the following moments.

  • {% \mathbb{E}[log[S(t)/S(0)]] = \nu t %}
  • {% StdDev[log[S(t)/S(0)]] = \sigma \sqrt{t} %}
  • {% \mathbb{E} [S(t)/S(0)] = e^{\mu t} %}
  • {% StdDev[S(t)/S(0)] = e^{mu t} \sqrt{ (e^{\sigma^2 t} - 1) } %}
(see Luenberger pg 310)
