Fitting Poisson with Numeric Methods


The method presented here for fitting a Poisson distribution to a dataset utilizes Newton's method


The implementation uses the Poisson glm library to compute the log Likelihood of the given dataset. The logLikelihood function in the library takes 3 parameters

  • the dataset - an array of objects
  • y function - a function that takes an item from the inputted dataset and returns the y value (count) registerd in that item
  • mu function - function that returns the value of mu for the given set of {% \beta %} values.
{% \mu_i = exp[\vec{x}_i^T \vec{\beta}] %}
In addition, it uses the Newton Library to perform the Newton-Raphson optimization routine.

Define the function to optimized.  Here, the function takes four paremeters, the values for 
the beta vector, and then runs the logLikelihood function in the poisson glm library. 
let f = function(b0, b1, b2, b3){
    let logL = pl.logLikelihood(data, item=>item.num_awards, item=>{
        let eta = b0+b1*item.progAcademic + b2*item.progVocational + b3*item.math;
        let mu = Math.exp(eta);
        return mu;
    return logL;

//create an iterator from the newtons method library
let test = op.iterator(f, [0,0,0,0]);
//run several interations
for(let i=0;i<100;i++){
Try it!
