Fourier Series


Fourier API

The Fourier API provides functions for calculating the coefficients.

let fo = await import('/lib/fourier/v1.0.0/series.mjs');

//function acoeff(f, n, range, mesh,  integrate)
let a0 = fo.acoeff(f,0);
let a1 = fo.acoeff(f,1);

//or, specify the range and the mesh
let a1 = fo.acoeff(f,1, [-1*Math.PI, Math.PI], 1000);

let b1 = fo.bcoeff(f,1);

Try it!

let fo = await import('/lib/fourier/v1.0.0/series.mjs');
//approximate(f, n, mesh, range, integrate)
let f = x => x*x;
let approx = fo.approximate(f,5,[0,5]);
Try it!


Example 1 : demonstrates calculating the coefficients for the functoin {% f(x) = x^2 %}