Lotka Volterra Model


The Lotka Volterra Model is a simple model of predator and prey populations.

Lotka Volterra Equations

The Lotka Volterra equations model the populations of two species, given by {% x(t) %} and {% y(t) %}.
{% \frac{dx}{dt} = x(\lambda - by) %}
{% \frac{dy}{dt} = y(-\mu + cx) %}
{% x(t) %} represents the prey, while the predators are modeled as {% y(t) %}. Here, the prey growth rate is positively related to the number of prey present. However, the presence of predators will negatively impact the prey growth.

The predator dies off at a constant rate in the absence of prey (their food), but the more prey present, the predator death rate goes down, and may become positive.

