Susceptible Preinfectious Infectious Removed(SEIR model)
An SI model models just two variables
- {% S(t) %} - is the number of susceptible individuals
- {% I(t) %} - the number of infected individuals
- {% E(t) %} - the number of Preinfectious individuals
Basic Setup
{% S(t+1) = S(t) -\lambda_t S(t) %}
where {% \lambda_t %} is the risk that a susceptible individual contracts the disease and moves to the
pre-infectious period.
{% E(t+1) = E(t) + \lambda_t S(t) - f E(t) %}
where {% E %} is the number of pre-infectious people, and r is the proportion of infectious individuals each
period which become non-infectious.
{% I(t+1) = I(t) + f E(t) - r I(t) %}
{% R(t+1) = R(t) + r I(t) %}