Zermelo Fraenkel Set Theory
Zermelo Fraenkel is one of the primary versions of set theory, and is
named after the mathematicians Ernst Zermelo and Abraham Fraenkel who initially developed the theory.
- Existence
{% \exists x (x=x) %}
- Extensionality
{% \forall x \forall y [\forall z (z \in x \iff z \in y) \rightarrow x=y] %}
- Foundation
{% \forall x [\exists y (y \in x) \rightarrow \exists y (y \in x \;and \neg \exists z (z \in x \land z \in y))] %}
- Comprehension
{% \exists y \forall x (x \in y \iff x \in z \land \phi) %}
- Pairing
{% \forall x \forall y \exists z ((x \in z)\land(y \in z)) %}
- Union
{% \forall F \exists A \forall Y \forall x (x \in Y \land Y \in F \rightarrow x \in A) %}
- Replacement
{% \forall x \in A \exists! y \phi(x,y) \rightarrow \exists Y \forall x \in A \exists y \in Y \phi(x,y) %}
- Infinity
{% \exists x (0 \in x \land \forall y \in x (S(y) \in x)) %}
- Power Set
{% \forall x \exists y \forall z (z \subset x \rightarrow z \in y) %}
Axiom of Choice
The Zermelo Fraenkel set theory is usually extended to include the
Axiom of Choice,
in which it is then referred to as ZFC.