Ito Lemma Heuristics


The stochastic calculus gives meaning to stochastic differentials such as {% dX(t) = \mu dt + \sigma dW(t) %} by reinterpreting them as stochastic integrals.

Nevertheless it is convenient to think in terms of differentials and to re-express longer formulas into differential notation. (Note it is possible to formalize the notion of a stochastic differential as a mathematical object in its own right. see herzberg)

Ito Lemma

the content of Ito's Lemma can be summarized by the following heuristics on differentials.
{% dt^2 = 0 %}
{% dt \times dW = 0 %}
{% dW^2 = dt %}
in combination with the differential form of Taylors Theorem on the function {% Z(X,t) %}
{% dZ = \frac{\partial Z}{\partial t} dt + \frac{\partial Z}{\partial X} dX + \frac{\partial ^2 Z}{\partial t ^2} dt^2 + \frac{\partial^2 Z}{\partial X^2} dX^2 + \frac{\partial ^2 Z}{\partial t \partial X} + ... %}
Here we assume that {% X %} is some Ito Process which can be specified by the differential
{% dX(t) = \mu(X,t) dt + \sigma(X,t) dW %}


Multidimensional Ito Lemma

{% Z=XY %}
{% \frac{dZ}{Z} = \frac{dX}{X} + \frac{dY}{Y} +\frac{dX}{X} \frac{dY}{Y} %}
(see Back pg 37)

{% Z=\frac{Y}{X} %}
{% \frac{dZ}{Z} = \frac{dY}{Y} - \frac{dX}{X} - \frac{dX}{X} \frac{dY}{Y} + \frac{dX}{X} ^2 %}
{% Z= e^X %}
{% \frac{dZ}{Z} = dX + \frac{dX ^ 2}{2} %}
{% Z= log(X) %}
{% dZ = \frac{dX}{X} - \frac{1}{2} (\frac{dX}{X})^2 %}
