

The standard backpropagation algorithm uses Gradient Descent top optimize the neural network weights. It does this by using the Chain Rule to calculate an analytic expression for what the neural network gradient with respect to the weights is.

Strictly speaking, the gradient can be calculated numerically without using the chain rule derived expression. The numeric solution is slower, however, it is more broadly applicable, and it works.

This example uses the Gradient Descent Library to optimize a neural network.

Defining a Loss Function

The gradient descent function takes a function that it seeks to minimize. In this case, it is a loss function, which defines how far the neural network predictions are from the actual values in the training set.

This example uses a data set such as the following. It consists of pairs of inputs and outputs.

let data = [
    {inputs:[[1], [0.5], [0.7], [0]], output:0.8},
    {inputs:[[0.5], [0.3], [0.76], [0.2]], output:0.5},

A loss function is defined that iterates over the dataset and applies the neural network to the inputs and then subtracts the correct output from the network produced output. Finally, it squares the result and adds.

let loss = function(){
    let weights = [...arguments];
    let sum = 0;
    for(let item of data){
        let result = calculate(item.inputs, ...weights);
        sum += (result[0][0]-item.output)*(result[0][0]-item.output);
    return sum;

New we apply the gradient descent optimizatin algorithm to find the set of weights that optimizes the neural network.

let op = await import('/lib/numeric/optimization/v1.0.0/gradient-descent.mjs');

let min = op.iterate(loss, ()=>0.01, weights, 0.0000001,  1000000);

Full Code

let op = await import('/lib/numeric/optimization/v1.0.0/gradient-descent.mjs');
let la = await import('/lib/linear-algebra/v1.0.0/linear-algebra.mjs');

let inputs = [[1], [0.5], [0.7], [0]];
let data = [
    {inputs:[[1], [0.5], [0.7], [0]], output:0.8},
    {inputs:[[0.5], [0.3], [0.76], [0.2]], output:0.5},
let weights = [0.1,0.5,0.2,0.2,0.8,0.7,0.8,0.2,0.8,0.1];
let sigmoid = x=> Math.exp(x)/(Math.exp(x) + 1)
let calculateLayer = function(inputs, weights){
  let value = la.multiply(weights, inputs);

let calculate = function(){
    let weights = [...arguments];
    let inputs = weights.shift();
    let shape1 = la.shape(weights, 2, 4);
    let weights1 = shape1[0];
    let shape2 = la.shape(shape1[1], 1, 2); 
	let weights2 = shape2[0];
	let y1 = calculateLayer(inputs, weights1);
	let y2 = calculateLayer(y1, weights2);
	return y2;

let result = calculate(inputs, ...weights);

let loss = function(){
    let weights = [...arguments];
    let sum = 0;
    for(let item of data){
        let result = calculate(item.inputs, ...weights);
        sum += (result[0][0]-item.output)*(result[0][0]-item.output);
    return sum;

let test = loss(...weights);
let min = op.iterate(loss, ()=>0.01, weights, 0.0000001,  1000000);

Try it!


The above logic is encapsulated in the numeric neural network library
