Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
The nearest neighbor algorithm is an algorithm designed to estimate a datapoints properties, including possibly the
category to which the point belongs, by examining the points near to the given point. For example, one might
look at the nearest k neighbors to the point in question, and then assign a category to the point based on which
category appears the most in the examined neighbors.
The algorithm depends on having a function, called a metric, which measures the "distance" between points in order
to determine which points are closest to the point in question.
The following example sorts a dataset by the distance from each point to the given point.
let data = $url('/lib/machine-learning/nearest-neighbor/v1.0.0/site/sample.json');
var metric = (p,q) =>{
//return a distance meaure between p and q
return Math.sqrt((p.point1 - q.point1)*(p.point1 - q.point1) + (p.point2 - q.point2)*(p.point2 - q.point2))
let q = data[0];
let neighbors = $list(data).map(p => {
return {
item: p,
distance: metric(p, q)
}).sort(p => p.distance);
Try it!