Bayes Classifier


The Bayes classifier uses the Bayes Rule to utilize conditional probability to determine the most likely classification of a given data point.

Bayes Rule applied to Classification

Assume that there is a category label, coming from a set of categories, {% C = {c_0,c_1,...,c_n} %}, that is assigned to each datapoint. That is, for datapoint i, there is a class {% c_j %} assigned to that point, which is denoted
{% y_i = c_j %}
Then bayes rule can be applied to determine the probability that a given point belongs to a given class.
{% p(y=c|\vec{x}, \vec{\theta}) = \frac{p(\vec{x}|y=c; \vec{\theta}) p(y=c;\vec{\theta})}{\sum_{c'}p(\vec{x}|y=c';\vec{\theta})p(y=c;\vec{\theta})} %}

Estimating the Prior Probability

The most common way to estimate the prior probability is simply by calculating the fraction of the dataset that is in each class.
{% \pi_c = p(y=c;\vec{\theta}) = \frac{N_c}{N} %}
where {% N_c %} is the total number of data points with class c, and {% N %} is the total number of data points.

Estimating the Comnditional Probability

To calculate the probability of a given class, we still need to calculate the conditional probabilities.
{% p(\vec{x}|y=c; \vec{\theta}) %}
Typically, these probabilities require a model or a set of assumptions and possibly a set of parameters to calculate. The most common set of assumptions are that each class follows a normal distribution. (see Guassian Discriminant)
