Artficial Intelligence


Artficial Intelligence refers to machine based systems that act intelligently. Typically this means that these systems converse with humans or act as an agent of some sort (that is, makes decisions) Most articially intelligent systems use machine learning during development and as a way to adapt the agents decision making process to a new environment or information.

Artificially Intelligent Agents

One of the primary uses of artificial intelligence is to create computer agents that can make choices and act. The framework that intelligent choice is typically based upon is the theory of rational choice developed in economics.

Agent Process :

  1. Gather Information - the first step in the agen process is to gather information about the agents environment or any information that would affect the agents decision process. This would involve some information gathering process or system and my include sensory devices such as cameras and microphones.
  2. Assess Information - the net step is to process the raw information gathered in the first step. This would likely include a process to form a statistical model of the environment.
  3. Apply Rational Choice - apply the principles of rational choice to make a decision that optimizes the agents utility function and subject to any imposed constraints.
