Employment Law


Employment law governs the relationship between an employer and their workers.

At Will Employment

The basic framework for understanding employment in the United States is at will employment. That is, an employee is only employed as long as both parties wish to continue the employment. Either party can decide to terminate the relationship.

Most of the rules that govern the employment relationship are modifications to this rule, usually dictated by context. AS an example, the employer can terminate the relationship at any time and for any reason, except for a set of exceptions that are dictated by law.

Employee vs Contractor

One of the primary distinctions made in employment law is the distinction between and employee and a contractor. The distinction is important because employees are entitled to a different set of rights than a contractor. In addition, even if an individual has been hired as a contractor, for the purposes of the law, they may be considered as an employee and due all the rights of an employee.

Employee Rights
