Free Cash Flow to the Firm Valuation


Owners of the Firm

For te purposes of capital structure, the definition of owners of the firm is broadened beyond the shareholders to mean the owneres of the firms cash flows. Alternatively, that means any provider of capital to the firm is an owner in some sense.

Under this definition, the value of a firm is divided between the owners of debt, and the owners of equity. The total value is the sum of these two.
{% Value = Debt + Equity %}

Free Cash Flow Definitions

Free cash flows are actual cash flows that can be directed to the owners of the firm (as defined above). They are actual in the sense that they represent actual cash, as opposed to income or expense that is recognized on the books without having actually exchanged money.

There are essentially two commonly used defintions of cash flow, that mirror the capital structure of the firm.
  • Free Cash Flow to the Firm - cash flows which go to all providers of capital, that is, both the debt holders and the equity holders.
  • Free Cash Flow to Equity - represents cash flows that go to the holders of equity of the firm.

