Grouping Dataset


For many types of analysis, the data needs to be separated out by asset. That is, if the trading strategy involves looking at each asset separately (as is typically done in technical analysis), then the dataset need to be split by asset id, or ticker.

Grouping a Split Formatted Dataset

let prices = [
	{date:'2000-01-01', close:100, id:'IBM'},
	{date:'2000-01-02', close:101, id:'IBM'},
	{date:'2000-01-03', close:100, id:'IBM'},
	{date:'2000-01-01', close:145, id:'MSFT'},
	{date:'2000-01-02', close:144, id:'MSFT'},

Grouping a Merged Format Dataset

let prices = [
	{date:'2000-01-01', IBM:100, MSFT:145},
	{date:'2000-01-02', IBM:101, MSFT:144},
