Moving Average Convergence Divergence
Moving average convergence divergence indicators essentially look at moving averages of different periods
and flag when the various moving averages begin to move in different directions.
{% MAC = MovingAverage_{period1} - MovingAverage_{period2} %}
For example, consider a the 20 day moving average minus the 50 day moving average. If the trend is up, this will be a positive number.
So far, this is just the moving average minus moving average rule. The MAC rule suggests that when the MAC between two periods is positive,
the upward trend is accelerating.
{% MAC_{t} - MAC_{t-1} %}
When the difference is positive, that means the the shorter term moving average is growing faster than the longer term, which
indicates acceleration.
The following sample code uses the
Moving Average Library
to calculate two moving averages.
let ma = await import('/lib/time-series/moving-average/v1.0.0/moving-average.mjs');
let av1 = ma.movingAverage(data, 50);
let av2 = ma.movingAverage(data, 20);
let macd =,i)=>{
if(p !== null) return av2[i] - p;
return null;
Try it!