Real Estate Analysis
Real Estate Analysis can mean different things. First there is the real estate as an asset in and of itself.
Then there are loans that issued to fund real estate development or purchase. Lastly, real estate loans
can be bundled together into a structured instrument.
Real Estate Asset Modeling
Real estate as an asset is very similar to a loan or bond, in that it generates a series of cash flows at fairly regular
dates. For example, an apartment may charge a fixed rent every month. That means that
real estate can be modeled with the same sorts of tools that are used to
valuate cash flows in fixed income.
However, the payments are not entirely fixed.
At times, the owner may decide to increase the rent. In addition, the renter may leave at some point, leaving the aparment
unoccupied. Additional expenses that are required for the update of the real estate are required to maintain the
real estate value and are unpredictable.
In addition, real estate is generally an
illiquid asset, which means that it takes time and effort to be able to sell
at a reasonable price. This illiquidity adds a complication to valuation, as a fair price for an asset may not be the same
price that one could get in the market within a specified time period.
Present Value Methodologies
When running a present value analysis of real estate, the first step is decide whether to model the real estate cash
flows as being perpetual, or as being a finite number with a lump sum payment at the end. In theory, these two
methods are equivalent.
Adding Statistical Aspects