{% dr = (b - a r) dt + \sigma dW %}
There are three parameters to the Vasicek model. Therefore, unless the parameters are pre-sepcified, it will require three zero
coupon bond prices to fit the model.
However, while the model may fit the 3 selected prices, it will not fit the entire curve, only the selected bonds. This limits
the ability of the modeler to calibrate the vasicek model to a given curve. For some applications, this lack of fit
may be acceptable.
Bond Option Formula
see bjork pg 386)
Monte Carlo Simulations
Fixed Income analysis is a complex subject. The davinci library contains a number of differenct tool for analyzing cash flows from fixed
income instruments. This corner goes through some simple examples.
let ito = await import('/lib/statistics/simulations/v1.0.0/ito.mjs');
let a = 0.1;
let b = 0.1;
let sigma = 0.1;
let dt = function(points){
return b - a*points[points.length-1]
let data = [];
for(let i=0;i<5;i++){ let sims=ito.generate(300, dt, ()=>sigma, 0.5)
sims=sims.map(p =>{
return {
data = [...data,...sims]
Try it!
Extended Vasicek Model
Extended Vasicek Model
- The Vasicek model was extended by Hull and White in order to create a model that can be calibrated to the entire curve.
{% dr = (b(t) - ar)dt + \sigma dW %}