Portfolio Duration


Hedging with Duration

Hedging refers to the process of trading instruments in a portfolio in order to make the portfolio immune to fluctuations in the interest rate curve.

This definition of duration and convexity hints how to hedge a fixed income portfolio. If we assume that interest rates change in a continuous fashion, we can assume that over a given short interval, the change in the bond yield will be small, that is {% \Delta y %} is small. In this case, the Taylor approximation to the change of the function using only the first two terms (the duration and convexity terms) is fairly accurate. This means we can ignore the higher order terms and we get:
{% P(y_1) - P(y_0) = (y_1 - y_0) \times \frac{dP}{dy} + \frac{1}{2} (y_1 - y_0)^2 \frac{d^2P}{dy^2} %}
In particular we have truncated the higher order terms. Then, to have a hedged portfolio is to say that the change in the price of the bond is approximately zero. In particular, we want to rebalance the portfolio
