Modeling Default Correlations
Maximum Likelihood
Likelihood One Sector
{% L_{kt} = \int_{- \infty}^{\infty} \binom{N_{kt}}{D_{kt}} p_k(Z)^{D_{kt}} (1-p_k(Z))^{N_{kt} - D_{kt}} d \Phi(Z) %}
where the integral here is a
Riemann Stieltjes Integral.
{% d\Phi = \sqrt{1/2\pi \sigma^2 } \times e ^{-0.5 [(x-\mu)/\sigma]^2} dx %}
This integral can be approximated using the
Gauss Hermite Quadrature
The Likelihood over the entire time period is given by
{% L_k = \Pi_{t=1}^T L_{kt} %}
{% ln L_k = \sum_{t=1}^T ln \int_{- \infty}^{\infty} \binom{N_{kt}}{D_{kt}} p_k(Z)^{D_{kt}} (1-p_k(Z))^{N_{kt} - D_{kt}} d \Phi(Z) %}
Likelihood One Sector
We encode the data as an array of sample points. Each sample point is an array where the first number
represents {% N_{kt} %} and the second number is {% D_{kt} %}. Each data point represents a separate point in
let data = [
For a given time point, and a given value of {% p %} and {% w %}, we need to construct a function which
{% \binom{N_{kt}}{D_{kt}} p_k(Z)^{D_{kt}} (1-p_k(Z))^{N_{kt} - D_{kt}} %}
The following code implements this.
let cb = await import('/lib/combinatorics/v1.0.0/combinatorics.mjs');
let getIntegrand = function(N, D, p, w){
return function(x){
let combinations = cb.combinations(N,D);
let condProb = ml.conditionalProbability(x,p,w);
return combinations * Math.pow(condProb, D) * Math.pow(1-condProb,N-D);
Next, we need to compute the given integral, take the logarithm and then sum.
let sum = 0;
for(let item of data){
let integrand = getIntegrand(item[0], item[1],p,w);
let integral = ml.gaussHermite(integrand);
let logLike1 = Math.log(integral);
Try it!