Javascript on the Server


Javascript is the language that powers the davinci platform in the browser, but it is also a powerful language for running code on you local machine or server. Node.js provides a platform for running Javascript locally. Davinci provides tools for running code that you run on davinci locally on your machine.


The library can be found here: file-data.js

const fd = require('./file-data.js');

Reading data

file-data.js contains a function for reading text files in different formats.

const fd = require('./file-data.js');
(async function(){
  //infer the type from the extension
  let data = await'c:/path/data.json');

  //specify the type in the second input
  let data2 = await'c:/path/data.json', 'hson');




  • json - standard json format
  • hson - a json file where every row is an array. The first row contains the header names
  • tab - tab delimited file
  • csv - standard csv format
  • hcsv
