Real Options


A real option is the right to take some action (or not take the action) with respect to some asset. As an example, a contract to have the right to rent some office space at some point in the future (but not necessarily forced to rent the space) is a valuable right and would termed a real option.

Real options are often embedded in various projects, and each has some financial value. The ability to value real options helps financial planners to understand business and project value.

Real options share alot of the terminology and theory of financial derivatives (options).

Modeling Frameworks

The standard to valuaing a real option is simliar to the approach to solve a simple game in game theory. That is, the process works by backward induction.

  1. The values a the end (maturity) of the process are known
  2. Move back one step to the last decision point. The value of the option at the decision point is the maximum of the value along the decisions branchs. That is, it is assumed that the agent will choose the branch yielding the highest value. If teh outcomes along a branch is uncertain, the value of the branch is determined using a measure of stochastic present value.
  3. Continue moving back to each decision point, computing the value at each decision point
  4. The value of option is the computed value at the first decision point.
