Financial Statement Data


Financial data from financial statements can come from many different formats.

Financial Statement Data

Data Formats: discusses the types of formats that financial data can be encoded as.
Querying Financial Data shows some the complexities involved with querying financial data.

Data as Name Value Pairs

let data1 = [
  {name:'revenue', value:100, date:'2020-12-31'},
  {name:'costs of goods sold', value:30, date:'2020-12-31'},
  {name:'selling, general and admin', value:10, date:'2020-12-31'},
  {name:'research and development', value:10, date:'2020-12-31'},
  {name:'depreciation', value:10, date:'2020-12-31'},
  {name:'interest expense', value:5, date:'2020-12-31'},
  {name:'gain loss sale of assets', value:3, date:'2020-12-31'},
  {name:'other', value:2, date:'2020-12-31'},
  {name:'income tax', value:10, date:'2020-12-31'},


Single Record per Date

An alternative method of encoding financial data is to put all the data for a single date into a single record.

let data1 = {
  'costs of goods sold':30, 
  'selling, general and admin':10,
  'research and development':10,
  'interest expense':5,
  'gain loss sale of assets':3,
  'income tax':10, 


Converting Data Types

Converting Table to Records:
Converting Records to Table:
The financical statement util.mjs module wraps the conversions into a re-usable functions.
