Sharing Budget Data
When creating a budget, it is often helpful to be able to share the raw budget data with other members of the
team. This is particularly useful when the budget is only a part of a larger combined budget. (see below)
For general information on how to share data on the platform, please
Sharing Data on Davinci
Combining Multiple Budgets
When the current budget is only part of a larger budget, it is sometimes necessary to combine the data from each budget to arrive
at the top level budget. This can be easily accomplished with the
spread operator
The following code demonstrates combining the data from two arrays (named budget1 and budget2)
let combinedBudget = [...budget1, ...budget2];
The following code shows retrieving the individual budgets data from a given url and combining them into a single
let combinedBudget = [...(await $url("https://server/budget1.json")), ...(await $url("https://server/budget2.json"))];