The map component draws colored using geoJson data.
Adding a Map
To add new map, enter a name for the map in the name textbox, and click add. You will then be prsesented with a dialog box.
Here you specify the data needed to draw the map. First, you need a geoJson compliant dataset that specifies
the boundaries of the map.
Next, if you want to color the map based on some numeric value, you need a second
dataset to specify the numbers to apply. The second dataset needs two fields, a field that has the name of a region
specified in the geoJson data, and a field with a number. You speficy the region field in the Region textbox, and the
color value field in the Color Value textbox.
Lastly, you should specify a palette. A palette is just a comma separated list of color values. You can enter this in
manually, or you can open the palette chooser. When you open the palette chooser, you are presented a number
of different color lists. Choose a list by clicking select. This will enter the list values in the palette
textbox. You can edit the values after selecting. Then click add button, this will add the map.
Maps Demo
Demonstrates how to use the map app.