

The latex app provides a way to create latex documents that can be integrated with data in and scripts in your workspace. This makes it easy to automate documentation. For information on latex and automating latex on davinci, please see: latex


The latex app comforms to the davinci dynamic text specification. That means that you can enter expressions such as

{= 2+2 =}

and have it rendered as 4. When you enter a dynamic text expression into the latex app, it will display as you have entered it. If you wish to see how the text would translate when rendered into a pdf document, you can click the translate button, will will evaluation all dynamic text expressions and replace them with their values in the latex text area.


After you have created a latex file, you have two options in terms of rendering the document as a text document. The first option is to click the render button, which will render the file within the browser. The rendering engine uses open source code, latejs, created by michael brade and subject to the MIT license. Not all latex packages are supported by in broswer rendering. If you would like save the in browser rendering as a blog, you can click the doc link (upper left corner), which will place a copy of the in browser rendered document component into your clipboard. From there, you can paste it into a blog just like any other component.

The second option is to export the file to your local hard drive and then using any one of several open source latex programs that will render the file as a pdf file.


Rendering Latex
