Edgar data is data that is collected from the financial statements of publicly held US companies
as mandated by
US Securities Law
The edgar app makes it possible to search a davinci hosted version of the edgar database for company
financial submissions as well as specific fields from the submissions. The app is useful for pulling
data from a limited set of companies at a time.
Data in the davinci edgar database appears as it was submitted by the company submitting the
data. We do not clean the data in any way. That means, for example, that field names may change from
submission to submission.
In order to pull edgar data, you need to specify a set of companies for which you wish pull
data for. Comapnies are identified by an id in the edgar database. The id is called
a "cik" in edgar.
You can choose the companies you want by entering in a list of cik's in the textbox provided.
If you dont know the company cik's you can search for the company by entering a set of search
terms in the search text box and clicking search. You will be presented with a list of matching
companies. Check the checkboxes next to the companies you wish to add and click the add button.
This will add those company cik's to the company textbox.
Once you have chosen a set of companies, you can retrieve the submissions that those companies have
made to the SEC by clicking the retrieve button on the submissions tab. You can filter the submissions
by enter filter terms in the filter textbox.
The matching submissions will be displayed with links to view the submissions at the sec website.
If you want to pull specific data from the edgar database, you need to specify a set of fields
to retrieve. You can do this from the fields tab. Enter filter terms in the filter textbox
and click retrieve.
All matching fields will be displayed. Select the fields you wish to pull by checking the checkbox
and click add.
Once you have selected a set of companies and a set of fields, you can pull the results by selecting the results tab
and clicking the view button. This will pull and display the results. Also, this will generate a script that will
replicate the displayed dataset. If you want to add the data to your workspace, choose a name for the script and
click the add button. This will add the generated script as a Javascript file to your project.
Transforming Results
The data returned from the edgar script is in a raw format that typically needs transforming before use.
Each record in the dataset represents a single field reported on a single form. Often, the same field is reported on a given
date multiple times.
When the fields are downloaded, you may wish to choose which reported version of a field is the one you will use.
In addition, you may wish to aggregate all the fields together into a single record per date.
The davinci library hosts some basic libraries for accomplishing these goals.
let cs = await import("/lib/data/edgar/v1.0.0/construct-stmts.mjs");
data = cs.incomeStatememt(data);
data = cs.bankIncomeStatement(data);
Edgar App Demo
The normals chart displays two normal distributions with different standard deviations. A slider
control adjusts the expected value of one of the normals.