Data App
The data app is an app that allows you save data bookmarks, which are bookmarks to URL's that host datasets. Once
a dataset has been bookmarked, it can easilty be added to your workspace, either as a separate data control
or as a script.
Adding a Dataset
If you have the URL of a dataset you wish to add to your workspace, you can enter the dataset information in the
form on the right side of the data app and click the add button. This will add the data directly to your workspace.
The only required fields are the ID and URL of the dataset. The ID is the name you give the data in your workspace.
When you click add, the dataset will be added to your workspace, and will appear in your list of datasets in the data app.
For more flexibility, you can add the dataset using a script. To do this, once you enter in the data information,
just click the add script button. This will add the data as an executable script which is visible from the
javascript app.
Adding a Dataset Bookmark
Additionally, you can click the data definition tab and enter the data information in the data definition form.
Then click add. This will add that data definition as a bookmark in your list of bookmarks. (Bookmarks are listed
on the left had side of the data tab). Once you have a book mark defined, you can select it in the bookmark list.
This will prepopulate the data form on the right side with the data saved with that bookmark. You can then add the
data as above.
When loading a dataset, an error my occur that prevents the data from loading. In such a case, the error is saved and can be viewed
by clicking the errors link. A dialog window will open which will display all the current logged errors.
Large Datasets
As a practical matter, a dataset that is larger than 500MB cannot be loaded in a single load. The data must be broken up
into chunks smaller than 500MB and loaded serparately and then merged.
merging data)
Large datasets may also take a moment or two to load.
Sample Datasets
Davinci makes available a number of sample random datasets that can be used for testing purposes.
Sample Data
Video Demos
Loading Data from your Hard Drive
Shows how to load data from a file into your desktop.
Loading Data from the Web
Most data sources will be hosted on a web server and accessible across the internet. When no
app is available for loading the data, the data can be loaded by providing the data URL
in the data app.