

The chat app enables users of the platform to create chat rooms where users can freely exchange text messages with each other. Rooms are identified by a unique id. Anyone who has the id can connect to the room.

To connect to a room with a given id, just enter the id into the id text field and click the connect button. If a room with that id doesnt currently exist, one will be created. Because anyone who has the id can connect to the room, it is a good idea to choose an id that is hard to guess and then share that id with the users you wish to be able to connect. You can generate an id by clicking the id link, which will generate a random id and put it in the id textbox.

Saved Rooms

When you connect to a room, you can provide a human readable name with the room in the name field. Once you do so and you connect, the chat app will save that id with that name as a bookmark with your browser. Your bookmarks will be displayed underneath the connect box. Then the next time you wish to connect to a room, you can click the bookmark and it will populate the textbox with the id.


To send a chat, enter text in the textbox and click post. This will post the task to all connected users. If you wish to attach a component or set of components that you have copied from a blog or another app, click the paste button once. This will attach those components the current message. If you wish to discard the attachment prior to sending the message, click the discard button.

The attached components will show as an attachment to the message. To view the components, click the attachment button.


Chat App
Demonstrates the basic functionality of the Chat app.
